How to I develop applications with Laravel

I get requested lots approximately how you figure with Laravel. So on this tutorial, I will stroll thru my standard method to constructing a Laravel application. We will create an API due to the fact it's far some thing I love doing.

How to I develop applications with Laravel

How to I develop applications with Laravel:

The API we're constructing is a fundamental to-do fashion application, wherein we will upload duties and pass them among to do and done. I am deciding on the sort of easy instance due to the fact I would really like you to cognizance at the manner greater than the implementation itself. So allow us to get started.

Laravel Installer:

First, download the Laravel installer using Composer.
composer global require "laravel/installer=~1.1"
For me, it constantly starts with a easy command:
laravel new todo-api --jet --git
For this, I could usually pick out Livewire, as I am maximum cushy with it. If I am honest - this software's internet capability can be only for person control and API token creation. However, experience unfastened to apply Inertia in case you are greater cushy and need to comply with along. Once this command has run and the whole thing is installation and prepared for me, I open this mission in PHP Storm. PHP Storm is my go-to IDE because it offers a strong set of gear for PHP improvement that assist me with my workflow. Once that is in my IDE, I can begin the paintings process.

Laravel Composer:

Now you can install Laravel by issuing the following command from your terminal:

composer create-project laravel/laravel your-project-name 4.2.*
The first step for me in each new software is to open the README document and begin documenting what I need to achieve. This includes:
  • A well-known description of what I need to build.
  • Any information fashions that I understand I will want
  • A tough layout of the API endpoints I will want to create.
  • Let's discover the information fashions that I want to create first. I usually record those as YAML code blocks, because it permits me to explain the version in a pleasant and clean way. The Task Model can be distinctly straightforward:

id: int
title: string
description: text (nullable)
status: string
due_at: datetime (nullable)
completed_at: datetime
user: BelongTo
tags: BelongsToMany

Then we have the Tags Model, which will be a way for me to add a sort of taxonomy system to my tasks for easy sorting and filtering.

id: int
name: string
tasks: BelongsToMany

Once I understand my data models, I start going through the dependencies I know I will need or want to use for this application. For this project, I will be using:

  • Laravel Sail
  • Laravel Pint
  • Larastan
  • JSON-API Resources
  • Laravel Query Builder
  • Fast Paginate
  • Data Object Tools

These packages set me up for building an API in a very friendly and easy-to-build way. From here, I can start building exactly what I need.

Now that my base Laravel application is set up for success, I can start publishing stubs that I commonly use and customize them to save me time during the development process. I tend to delete the stubs I know I will not use here and modify only the ones I know I will use. This saves me a lot of time going through the stubs that I don't need to change.

Local Development Environment:

In the past, configuring a local PHP development environment on your machine was a headache. Installing the proper version of PHP, required extensions, and other needed components is time consuming and confusing. Instead, consider using Laravel Homestead. Homestead is a simple virtual machine designed for Laravel and Vagrant. Since the Homestead Vagrant box is pre-packaged with all of the software you need to build robust PHP applications, you can create a virtualized, isolated development environment in seconds. Here is a list of some of the goodies included with Homestead:
  • Nginx
  • PHP 5.6
  • MySQL
  • Redis
  • Memcached
  • Beanstalk
Don't worry, even though "virtualized" sounds complicated, it's painless. VirtualBox and Vagrant, which are Homestead's two dependencies, both include simple, graphical installers for all popular operating systems. Check out the Homestead documentation to get started.

The changes that I typically add to these stubs are:

  • Adding declare(strict_types=1); to each file.
  • Making all generated class final by default.
  • Ensure that response types are always there.
  • Ensure that parameters are type hinted.
  • Ensure that any Traits are loaded one per use case.

Once this process has been completed, I work through all of the files currently in the Laravel application - and make similar changes as I did to the stubs. Now, this might take a little bit of time, but I find it is worth it, and I have a thing for strict, consistent code.

Once I have finally gotten through all of the above, I can start adding my Eloquent Models!

php artisan make:model Task -mf

My typical workflow with the data modeling is to start with the database migrations, move onto factories, and finally, the Eloquent Models. I like to organize my data migrations in a specific way - so I will show you the example for the Tasks migration:

public function up(): void
Schema::create('tasks', static function (Blueprint $table): void {

The way this structure works is:

  • Identifiers
  • Text content
  • Cashable properties
  • Foreign Keys
  • Timestamps

This allows me to look at any database table and know roughly where a column might be located without searching the entire table. This is something I would call a micro-optimization. Not something you will get substantial time benefits from - but it will start forcing you to have a standard and know where things are straight away.

One thing I know I will want for this API, especially regarding tasks, is a status Enuma that I can use. However, the way I work with Laravel is very similar to Domain Driven Design, so there is a little setup I will need to do beforehand.

Inside my composer.json file, I create a few new namespaces that have different purposes:

Domains - Where my Domain-specific implementation code lives.
Infrastructure - Where my Domain specific interfaces live.
ProjectName - Where code specific to overriding specific Laravel code lives; in this case, it is called Todo.

Eventually, you will have the following namespaces available:

"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"App\\": "app/",
"Domains\\": "src/Domains/",
"Infrastructure\\": "src/Infrastructure/",
"Todo\\": "src/Todo/",
"Database\\Factories\\": "database/factories/",
"Database\\Seeders\\": "database/seeders/"

Now that it is done, I can start thinking about the domains I want to use for this relatively simple app. Some would say that using something like this for such a simple application is overkill, but it means if I add to it, I do not have to do large refactors. The added benefit is that my code is always organized the way I expect it to be, no matter the application size.

The domains which we will want to use for this project can be designed like the following:

  • Workflow; anything to do with tasks and units of work.
  • Taxonomy; anything to do with categorization.

The first thing I need to do in my project is to create an Enum for the Task status attribute. I will create this under the Workflow domain, as this is directly related to the tasks and workflows.

namespace Domains\Workflow\Enums;
enum TaskStatus: string
case OPEN = 'open';
case CLOSED = 'closed';

As you can see, it is quite a simple Enum, but a valuable one if I ever want to extend the capabilities of the to-do app. From here, I can set up the Model Factory and Model itself, using Arr::random to select a random state for the Task itself.

Now we have started our data modeling. We understand the relations between authenticated users and the initial resources they have available to them. It is time to start thinking about the API design.

This API will have a handful of endpoints focused on tasks and perhaps a search endpoint to allow us to filter based on tags, which is our taxonomy. This is usually where I jot down the API I want and figure out if it going to work:

`[GET] /api/v1/tasks` - Get all Tasks for the authenticated user.
`[POST] /api/v1/tasks` - Create a new Task for the authenticated user.
`[PUT] /api/v1/tasks/{task}` - Update a Task owned by the authenticated user.
`[DELETE] /api/v1/tasks/{task}` - Delete a Task owned by the authenticated user.
`[GET] /api/v1/search` - Search for specific tasks or tags.

Now that I understand the routing structure I want to use for my API - I can start implementing Route Registrars. In my last article about Route Registrars, I talked about how to add them to the default Laravel Structure. However, this is not a standard Laravel application, so I have to route things differently. In this application, this is what my Todo namespace is for. This is what I would classify as system code, which is required for the application to run - but not something the application cares about too much.

After I have added the Trait and Interface required to use Route Registrars, I can start looking to register domains so each one can register its routes. I like to create a Domain Service Provider within the App namespace so that I do not flood my application config with loads of service providers. This provider looks like the following:

namespace App\Providers;
use Domains\Taxonomy\Providers\TaxonomyServiceProvider;
use Domains\Workflow\Providers\WorkflowServiceProvider;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
final class DomainServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
public function register(): void
provider: WorkflowServiceProvider::class,
provider: TaxonomyServiceProvider::class,

Then all I need to do is add this one provider to my config/app.php, so that I don't have to bust the config cache each time I want to make a change. I made the changes required to the app/Providers/RouteServiceProvider.php so I can register domain-specific route registrars, which allows me to control routing from my domain, but the application is still in control of loading these.

Let's take a look at the Task Route Registrar that is under the Workflow domain:

namespace Domains\Workflow\Routing\Registrars;
use App\Http\Controllers\Api\V1\Workflow\Tasks\DeleteController;
use App\Http\Controllers\Api\V1\Workflow\Tasks\IndexController;
use App\Http\Controllers\Api\V1\Workflow\Tasks\StoreController;
use App\Http\Controllers\Api\V1\Workflow\Tasks\UpdateController;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Routing\Registrar;
use Todo\Routing\Contracts\RouteRegistrar;
final class TaskRouteRegistrar implements RouteRegistrar
public function map(Registrar $registrar): void
attributes: [
'middleware' => ['api', 'auth:sanctum', 'throttle:6,1',],
'prefix' => 'api/v1/tasks',
'as' => 'api:v1:tasks:',
routes: static function (Registrar $router): void {

Registering my routes like this allows me to keep things clean and contained with the domain I need them in. My Controllers are still living within the application but separated through a namespace linking back to the domain.

Now that I have some routes I can use, I can start thinking about the actions I want to be able to handle within the tasks domain itself and what Data Objects I might need to use to make sure context is kept in between classes.

Firstly, I will need to create a Task Object that I can use in the controller to pass through to an action or background job that needs access to the basic properties of a Task but not the entire model itself. I typically keep my data object within the domain, as they are a domain class.

namespace Domains\Workflow\DataObjects;
use Domains\Workflow\Enums\TaskStatus;
use Illuminate\Support\Carbon;
use JustSteveKing\DataObjects\Contracts\DataObjectContract;
final class TaskObject implements DataObjectContract
public function __construct(
public readonly string $name,
public readonly string $description,
public readonly TaskStatus $status,
public readonly null|Carbon $due,
public readonly null|Carbon $completed,
) {}
public function toArray(): array
return [
'name' => $this->name,
'description' => $this->description,
'status' => $this->status,
'due_at' => $this->due,
'completed_at' => $this->completed,

We want to ensure we still keep a level of casting opportunities for the Data Object, as we want it to behave similarly to the Eloquent model. We want to strip the behavior from it to have a clear purpose. Now let's look at how we might use this.

Let's take creating a new task API endpoint as an example here. We want to accept the request and send the processing to a background job so that we have relatively instantaneous responses from our API. The purpose of an API is to speed up the response so that you can chain actions together and create more complicated workflows than you can through the web interface. Firstly we will want to perform some validation on the incoming request, so we will use a Form Request for this:

namespace App\Http\Requests\Api\V1\Workflow\Tasks;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Http\FormRequest;
final class StoreRequest extends FormRequest
public function authorize(): bool
return true;
public function rules(): array
return [
'name' => [

We will eventually inject this request into our controller, but before we get to that point - we need to create the action we want to inject into our controller. However, with the way I write Laravel applications, I will need to create an Interface/Contract to use and bind into the container so that I can resolve the action from Laravel DI Container. Let's look at what our Interface/Contract looks like:

namespace Infrastructure\Workflow\Actions;
use App\Models\Task;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use JustSteveKing\DataObjects\Contracts\DataObjectContract;
interface CreateNewTaskContract
public function handle(DataObjectContract $task, int $user): Task|Model;

This controller creates a solid contract for us to follow in our implementation. We want to accept the Task Object we just designed but also the ID of the user we are creating this task for. We then return a Task Model, or an Eloquent Model, which allows us a little flexibility in our approach. Now let us look at an implementation:

namespace Domains\Workflow\Actions;
use App\Models\Task;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Infrastructure\Workflow\Actions\CreateNewTaskContract;
use JustSteveKing\DataObjects\Contracts\DataObjectContract;
final class CreateNewTask implements CreateNewTaskContract
public function handle(DataObjectContract $task, int $user): Task|Model
return Task::query()->create(
attributes: array_merge(
['user_id' => $user],

We use the Task Eloquent Model, open up an instance of the Eloquent Query Builder, and ask it to create a new instance. We then merge the Task Object as an array and the user ID within an array to create a task in a format Eloquent expects.

Now that we have our implementation, we want to bind this into the container. The way I like to do this is to stay within the Domain so that if we deregister a domain - the container is cleared of any domain-specific bindings that exist. I will create a new Service Provider within my Domain and add the bindings there, then ask my Domain Service Provider to register the additional service provider for me.

namespace Domains\Workflow\Providers;
use Domains\Workflow\Actions\CreateNewTask;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
use Infrastructure\Workflow\Actions\CreateNewTaskContract;
final class ActionsServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
public array $bindings = [
CreateNewTaskContract::class => CreateNewTask::class,

All we need to do here is bind the interface/contract we created with the implementation and allow the Laravel container to handle the rest. Next, we register this inside our domain service provider for the workflow domain:

namespace Domains\Workflow\Providers;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
final class WorkflowServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
public function register(): void
provider: ActionsServiceProvider::class,

Finally, we can look at the Store Controller to see how we want to achieve our goal.

namespace App\Http\Controllers\Api\V1\Workflow\Tasks;
use App\Http\Requests\Api\V1\Workflow\Tasks\StoreRequest;
use Domains\Workflow\DataObjects\TaskObject;
use Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse;
use Illuminate\Support\Carbon;
use Infrastructure\Workflow\Actions\CreateNewTaskContract;
use JustSteveKing\DataObjects\Facades\Hydrator;
use JustSteveKing\StatusCode\Http;
final class StoreController
public function __construct(
private readonly CreateNewTaskContract $action
) {}
public function __invoke(StoreRequest $request): JsonResponse
$task = $this->action->handle(
task: Hydrator::fill(
class: TaskObject::class,
properties: [
'name' => $request->get('name'),
'description' => $request->get('description'),
'status' => strval($request->get('status', 'open')),
'due' => $request->get('due') ? Carbon::parse(
time: strval($request->get('due')),
) : null,
'completed' => $request->get('completed') ? Carbon::parse(
time: strval($request->get('completed')),
) : null,
user: intval($request->user()->id),
return new JsonResponse(
data: $task,
status: Http::CREATED(),

Here we use Laravel DI Container to resolve the action we want to run from the container we just registered, and then we invoke our controller. Using the action, we build the new Task Model by passing in a new instance of Task Object, which we hydrate using a handy package I created. This uses reflection to make the class based on its properties and a payload. This is an acceptable solution for creating a new task; however, what bugs me is that it is all done synchronously. Let's now refactor this to a background job.

Deploying Your Application:

Jobs in Laravel I tend to keep within the main App namespace. The reason for this is because it is something deeply tied into my application itself. However, the logic Jobs can run live within our actions, which live within our domain code. Let's create a new Job:

php artisan make:job Workflow/Tasks/CreateTask

Then we simply move the logic from the controller to the job. The job, however, wants to accept the Task Object, not the request - so we will need to pass the hydrates object through to this.

namespace App\Jobs\Workflow\Tasks;
use Illuminate\Bus\Queueable;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldBeUnique;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldQueue;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Bus\Dispatchable;
use Illuminate\Queue\InteractsWithQueue;
use Illuminate\Queue\SerializesModels;
use Infrastructure\Workflow\Actions\CreateNewTaskContract;
use JustSteveKing\DataObjects\Contracts\DataObjectContract;
final class CreateTask implements ShouldQueue
use Queueable;
use Dispatchable;
use SerializesModels;
use InteractsWithQueue;
public function __construct(
public readonly DataObjectContract $task,
public readonly int $user,
) {}
public function handle(CreateNewTaskContract $action): void
task: $this->task,
user: $this->user,

Finally, we can refactor our controller to strip out the synchronous action - and in return, we get a quicker response time and jobs that can be retried, which gives us better redundancy.

namespace App\Http\Controllers\Api\V1\Workflow\Tasks;
use App\Http\Requests\Api\V1\Workflow\Tasks\StoreRequest;
use App\Jobs\Workflow\Tasks\CreateTask;
use Domains\Workflow\DataObjects\TaskObject;
use Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse;
use Illuminate\Support\Carbon;
use JustSteveKing\DataObjects\Facades\Hydrator;
use JustSteveKing\StatusCode\Http;
final class StoreController
public function __invoke(StoreRequest $request): JsonResponse
dispatch(new CreateTask(
task: Hydrator::fill(
class: TaskObject::class,
properties: [
'name' => $request->get('name'),
'description' => $request->get('description'),
'status' => strval($request->get('status', 'open')),
'due' => $request->get('due') ? Carbon::parse(
time: strval($request->get('due')),
) : null,
'completed' => $request->get('completed') ? Carbon::parse(
time: strval($request->get('completed')),
) : null,
user: intval($request->user()->id)
return new JsonResponse(
data: null,
status: Http::ACCEPTED(),

The whole purpose of my workflow when it comes to Laravel is to create a more reliable, safe, and replicable approach to building my applications. This has allowed me to write code that is not only easy to understand but code that keeps context as it moves through the lifecycle of any business operation.

How do you work with Laravel? Do you do something similar? Let us know your favorite way to work with Laravel code on Twitter!

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